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Skin Cancer - And Your Plastic Surgeon
Skin Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than 500,000 new cases are reported each year-and the incidence is rising faster than any other type of cancer! While skin cancers can be found on any part of the body, about 80 percent appear on the face, head, or neck, where they can be disfiguring as well as dangerous.
It is important to educate you about the different types of skin cancer, their causes, and preventive measures you can take; to help you know when to consult a doctor; and to explain the role of the plastic surgeon in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer and other skin growths.

Who gets skin cancer ...and why

The primary cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet radiation -most often from the sun, but also from artificial sources like sunlamps and tanning booths. In fact, researchers believe that our quest for the perfect tan, an increase in outdoor activities, and perhaps the thinning of the earth's protective ozone layer are behind the alarming rise we're now seeing in skin cancers.

Anyone can get skin cancer-no matter what your skin type, race or age, no matter where you live or what you do. But your risk is greater if...

  • Your skin is fair and freckles easily..
  • You have light-colored hair and eyes.
  • You have a large number of moles, or moles of unusual size or shape.
  • You have a family history of skin cancer or a personal history of blistering sunburn.
  • You spend a lot of time working or playing outdoors.
  • You live closer to the equator, at a higher altitude, or in any place that gets intense, year-round sunshine.
  • You received therapeutic radiation treatments for adolescent acne.

Types of skin cancer

By far the most common type of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. Fortunately, it's also the least dangerous kind--it tends to grow slowly, and rarely spreads beyond its original site. Though basal cell carcinoma is seldom life-threatening, if left untreated it can grow deep beneath the skin and into the underlying tissue and bone, causing serious damage (particularly if it's located near the eye).

Squamous cell carcinoma is the next most common kind of skin cancer, frequently appearing on the lips, face, or ears. It sometimes spreads to distant sites, including lymph nodes and internal organs. Squamous cell carcinoma can become life threatening if it's not treated.

A third form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, is the least common, but its incidence is increasing rapidly, especially in the Sunbelt states. Malignant melanoma is also the most dangerous type of skin cancer. If discovered early enough, it can be completely cured. If it's not treated quickly, however, malignant melanoma may spread throughout the body and is often deadly.

Other skin growths you should know about

Two other common types of skin growths are moles and keratoses.
Moles are clusters of heavily pigmented skin cells, either flat or raised above the skin surface. While most pose no danger, some-particularly large moles present at birth, or those with mottled colors and poorly defined borders-may develop into malignant melanoma. Moles are frequently removed for cosmetic reasons, or because they're constantly irritated by clothing or jewelry (which can sometimes cause pre-cancerous changes).

Solar or actinic keratoses are rough, red or brown, scaly patches on the skin. They are usually found on areas exposed to the sun, and sometimes develop into squamous cell cancer.

In this interview, Dr. Speron talked about skin cancer:

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than 500,000 new cases are reported each year - and the incidence is rising faster than any other type of cancer. Most people also have no idea that 80% of our lifetime sun exposure and risk of getting skin cancer occurs before the age of 18!

The primary cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet radiation - most often from the sun, but also from artificial sources like sunlamps and tanning booths. In fact, researchers believe that our quest for the perfect tan, an increase in outdoor activities, and perhaps the thinning of the earth's protective ozone layer are behind the alarming rise we're now seeing in skin cancers.

Anyone can get skin cancer- no matter what your skin type, race or age, no matter where you live or what you do. But your risk is greater if.

  • Your skin is fair and freckles easily.
  • You have light-colored hair and eyes.
  • You have a large number of moles, or moles of unusual size or shape.
  • You have a family history of skin cancer or a personal history of blistering sunburn.
  • You spend a lot of time working or playing outdoors.
  • You live closer to the equator, at a higher altitude, or in any place that gets intense, year-round sunshine.
  • You received therapeutic radiation treatments for adolescent acne.

That's really all there is to it.

Okay, by now you probably have a few questions. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I get:

A. Yes. Mutations will inevitably be induced by UV radiation, which you get from sun exposure. A proportion of the mutations will start the long winding path towards skin cancer

A. Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma.

A - Asymmetry (common moles are round and symmetrical)
B - Border (skin cancers may have uneven borders)
C - Color (watch for varied shades of brown, tan or black and also red, white, and blue)
D - Diameter (if a spot is larger than a pencil eraser (6mm or 1/4 inch diameter) it could be trouble)

A. Skin cancer takes many forms. Anything that changes, grows or fits any of the ABCD's should be taken seriously. A doctor should examine anything suspicious)

A. There can be many signs including: a change in a mole, a sore that does not heal, a skin growth that increases in size, and a spot that continues to itch, hurt, scab.

A. Check your body thoroughly at least every three months or every month if you are high risk. Look for any changes. See a doctor right away if you notice anything suspicious. Feel free to use the following self-exam:

How to Spot Skin Cancer

If You Can Spot It, You Can Stop It! Coupled with a yearly skin exam by a doctor, self-examination of your skin at least every three months (or every month if you are high risk) is the best way to detect the early warning signs of skin cancer. Look for a new growth or any skin change.
What you'll need: a bright light; a full-length mirror; a hand mirror; two chairs or stools; a blow dryer.
Examine head and face, using one or both mirrors. Use blow dryer to inspect scalp.
Check hands, including nails. In full-length mirror, examine elbows, arms & underarms.
Focus on neck, chest & torso. Women: Check under breasts.
With back to the mirror, use hand mirror to inspect back of neck, shoulders, upper arms, back, buttocks & legs.
Sitting down, check legs and feet, including soles, heels & nails. Use hand mirror to examine genitals.

A. People who always burn, never tan, and are fair with red or blonde hair, green or blue eyes and freckles have a greater chance of developing skin cancer

A. Studies have shown that using sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer.

A. Apply it in advance. Apply enough. Reapply frequently. Use broad-spectrum products with a high-SPF. Don't rely on sunscreen alone. Use a hat, common sense etc.

A. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) measures the length of time a product protects against skin reddening from UVB, compared to how long the skin takes to redden without protection

A. Sure. Skin cancer is uncommon in children. However, damage that later results in skin cancer is accumulated in childhood. The first 18 years of life account for 80% of sun damage to your skin

A. Sunscreens may be used on babies starting at six months of age. But applying a sunscreen should not be an excuse for keeping a child out in the sun too long.

A. The sun is most dangerous between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

A. Dressing for sun protection is still one of the best ways to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Look for a tight weave, loose fit, and darker colors for more protection

A. UV absorption by the eye and surrounding tissues is an important factor in causing both benign and malignant growths on the eyelid skin and on the surface of the eye

A. Heredity plays a major role in melanoma risk. About one of every ten patients diagnosed has a family member with a history of the disease.

A. Exposure to the radiation of a tanning booth may be more risky than exposure to the sun.

A. UVA = long-wave solar rays of 320 - 400 nanometers. UVB = short-wave solar rays of 290 - 320 nanometers

A. Yes!! Sun effects can be seen by comparing the skin on the face and backs of the hands with the skin on a part of the body that is seldom exposed, such as under the arms.

A. Every diagnosis begins with a thorough examination of the skin growth or lesion under a bright light. A biopsy may be taken. This is the most accurate diagnostic test

A. Skin cancer may be removed by one of several methods including excisional surgery, curettage-electrodesiccation, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, topical chemotherapy or by Mohs micrographic surgery.

A. Absolutely, so regular follow-up and self-examination is extremely important. 50% of all people who get basal cell cancer get another one within 5 years!

A. Skin cancer may be removed by one of several methods including excisional surgery, curettage-electrodesiccation, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, topical chemotherapy or by Mohs micrographic surgeryA. Windows and windshields somewhat reduce exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. Only the windshield is partially treated against ultraviolet A (UVA).So, consider use of a UV-protective window film on vehicles..

A. Skin cancer may be removed by one of several methods including excisional surgery, curettage-electrodesiccation, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, topical chemotherapy or by Mohs micrographic surgeryA. Windows and windshields somewhat reduce exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. Only the windshield is partially treated against ultraviolet A (UVA).So, consider use of a UV-protective window film on vehicles..

23 Things To Do While Recovering From Your Surgery


When I first published The 7 Critical Questions to Ask Before Letting Any Surgeon Touch You, I had no idea that it would be so popularly received. Since its publication, this brief guide has helped thousands like you to more safely navigate the world of cosmetic surgery. The 7 Questions have been updated and a bonus section, Applying the 7 Questions, has just been added. Be my guest to read, learn and share.