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Cheek Implants
Cheek Implantation
Microfat Transplantation

Flattened, underdeveloped cheek bones are usually an inherited characteristic although traumatic injury can also affect cheek projection. Cheek augmentation can help create more defined cheek bone areas

Women and men who desire more prominent cheek bones and fullness in the cheek area.

You should check with a patient consultant, but generally people with uncontrolled heart or lung diseases and those with organ abnormalities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, angina or asthma should be stabilized.

Recent traumatic stresses such as divorce, death in the family, job losses or depression may mean having your procedure at a later date.
People with known keloid scars

Rather than inserting artificial, soft silastic implants over the cheek bones, Dr. Speron creates more natural cheek augmentations by injecting microfat transplants into the region. Fat is harvested from an area of the body that is not wanted and transplanted to the cheeks using tiny, specialized transplant needles. Dr. Speron's exciting new fat injection technique results in up to 90% of the fat surviving and produces a very natural, beautiful looking cheek augmentation. The area of the fat harvest can also be sculpted with ultrasonic liposuction after the transplantation is completed.
The procedure takes 2-3 hours and you will go home afterwards. Cheek augmentation is often combined with other procedures such as chin augmentation, nose reshaping, facelifts, eyelid surgery or ultrasonic liposuction

Local freezing with deep sedation that removes awareness and memory.
An anaesthetist is always present for this procedure.

Some swelling, bruising and discomfort will exist around the cheeks and fat harvest site for 7-10 days.
Most patients can return to work after 1 week.

Nice enlargement in the cheek area can be achieved with a gentle, noticeable high sweep of the cheek bones. The harvest site can be sculpted with the Ultrasonic Liposuction probe after the transplant is collected, improving the contour in that area of your body.
Nice increase in the cheek line. At time of second consultation, Dr. Speron will review computer images of the type of improvements cheek augmentation may have on the appearance of your face, and the contour improvement that may be achieved from the harvest site

Costs vary between patients depending on your goals and donor site. You will discuss this with our patient consultant at your initial screening consultation. Range from $2,500 - $4,500 depending on the sites and includes the surgeons fees, nursing, equipment, medications, facility, taxes and anaesthetic fees.


Chin Job

Flat, underprojected chins are usually an inherited feature, although traumatic injury or previous jaw surgery can also result in deformity. Chin augmentation can help restore better balance to the lower face and jawline.

Women/men with a receding chin that looks too set-back or not prominent enough.

You should check with a patient consultant, but generally people with uncontrolled heart or lung diseases and those with organ abnormalities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, angina or asthma should be stabilized.
Recent traumatic stresses such as divorce, death in the family, job losses or depression may mean having your procedure at a later date.
People with known keloid scars.

Rather than inserting an artifical chin implant, Dr. Speron creates more natural chin augmentations by injecting microfat transplants into the region. Fat is harvested from an area of the body it is not wanted and is transplanted to the chin using tiny specialized transplant needles. Dr. Speron's exciting new fat transplant technique results in up to 90% of the fat surviving and produces a very natural, beautiful looking chin augmentation. For patients who do not want a fat transplant, their own chin bone can be gently broken and moved forward.
This procedure takes about 2 hours and you will go home afterwards. Chin augmentation is often combined with other procedures such as rhinoplasty, cheek implants, facelifts or ultrasonic liposuction.

Local freezing anesthetic and deep sedation to remove awareness and memory.

Bruising and swelling around the chin for 7-10 days.
Some discomfort.

Most people return to work in 7-10 days.

The chin can be augmented forward to provide a more pleasing appearance and balance to the face. The contour of the fat harvest site can be improved with Ultrasonic Liposuction once the fat has been collected and transplanted.
Dr. Speron will show you computer images of the type of chin improvement you may achieve.

"My new chin looks great... more masculine and the microfat feels as natural as my original chin..."
- W.K., Ancaster

Costs vary between patients and depending upon the goals and donor site expectations. Prices range from $2,000 - $3,500 depending upon your goals and includes the surgeons fee, nursing, facility, equipment, medication, anesthetist fees and ultrasonic liposuction of the donor area.

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