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I. Definition:

Seborrheic keratosis is a harmless, common skin growth that first appears during adult life. As time goes by, more growths appear. Seborrheic keratosis can appear on both covered and uncovered Seborrheic Keratosis - Surgical Treatment parts of the body. These growths are sometimes referred to as barnacles of aging.

II. Seborrheic Keratoses Causes:

The tendency to develop Seborrheic keratoses is inherited.
Seborrheic keratoses are harmless and almost never become malignant. Seborrheic keratoses begin as slightly raised, light brown spots. Gradually they thicken and take on a rough, wartlikeSeborrheic Keratosis - Sample Picture surface. They slowly darken and may turn black. These color changes are harmless. Seborrheic keratoses are superficial and look as if they were stuck on the skin.

III. Seborrheic Keratoses Treatment

There is no need to treat seborrheic. keratoses. The only reason to treat them is because they are ugly or getting caught on your clothing. The procedure is covered by insurance.

Seborrheic keratoses can be frozen with liquid nitrogen, shaved off or burned off with an electric needle. Your plastic surgeon will suggest the method that he thinks will best remove your lesion.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Before and After Photos

52 year old male before and 4 months after shave excision of left temple seborrheic keratosis. The hair can take six months to grow back.

76 year old with multiple back lesions before and 3 months after shave excision. Patient was bothered by these 3 lesions which are epidermal lesions, ie. they are only on the surface. These are amenable to shave excision which is less destructive than freezing or burning as the dermis is not injured which usually allows for no scarring.

37 year old female before and 8 months after shave excision of right lateral neck seborrheic keratosis.

32 year old female before and 6 months after shave excision of right neck seborrheic keratosis. Patient started using our Scar Support Product two weeks after her procedure. She did not have any laser treatments.

Chicago seborrheic keratosis shave no scarring

20 year old female before 11 months after shave excision of left mons (pubic area) seborrheic keratosis. This is an epidermal lesion which means it is 100% outside the skin and can be safely removed with just a shave excision. Most of these do not result in any scarring. Patient also started using our Scar Support Product two weeks after her procedure. She did not have any laser treatments.

Chicago seborrheic keratosis shave no scarring

24 year old female before and 12 months after shave excision of right forearm seborrheic keratosis. Patient started using our Scar Support Product 10 days after her procedure. She did not have any laser treatments.

Chicago seborrheic keratosis shave no scarring

22 year old female before and 1 week after shave removal of seborrhea keratosis to her left upper back/shoulder. Notice the redness and hardness immediately after surgery once the scab has come off. This will resolve over time. The patient can now start scar product as well as laser treatments to accelerate healing for the final maturation stage.



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